Tag Archives: Pastiche

Pastiche ‘Chasing Down the Fame’

Dublin-based singer/songwriter Pastiche has released her debut single, ‘Chasing Down the Fame’. Though Pastiche performs with a live band, this track was completed remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic with producer Fergal Mullen (Jupiter Parks). The vocals were tracked at Beardfire Music. 

With building fiery electronics and power pop might ‘Chasing Down the Fame’ is a compelling debut from Pastiche. Using swirling synths, dynamic drums and a dark progressive wall of sound the track is an invigorating listening experience. The sultry synths weave between flashing and pulsing beats while Pastiche exudes power and emotion through her mesmerising vocals. With glittering pop sensibilities the track is an explosive debut and an exciting glimpse into Pastiche as an artist. Looking forward to hearing more. 

About the song, Pastiche says, “The song addresses the idea of achieving fame as a subjective journey; it almost never looks the same. I also think there’s a difference between fame and significance. Fame is usually an accident, but you can claim your own significance. I think this track is me doing that: showcasing my sound and trying to prove myself. I wanted to address not only where I hope to go but also where I came from. The line “I’ll show them what they made of me” is about all the rejections and “no’s” that have led me to where I am, developing thick skin, and needing to rely on my own self-belief.” 

Stream ‘Chasing Down the Fame’ below

Author : Danu