Tommy Cullen ‘Night Moves’

Photo Credit : Joanna O’Malley.

Tommy Cullen has released his new single ‘Night Moves’. Like many of us, Tommy Cullen spent 2020 locked away in his house. Perhaps more unusually, that house is essentially a small house-shaped box and sits on top of a river in the middle of a city. Here, Tommy spent a turbulent year creating songs about scary sharks, imaginary breakups, existential adventures and nice trains. The latest in a series of home-recorded singles, ‘Night Moves’ was written last year during Ireland’s first lockdown. The song has a delicate and plaintive tone, revealing a yearning for contact in a time of universal hurt. It was mixed by Marcus Jay and mastered by Ivan Jackman, while the single’s artwork features photography by Joanna O’Malley.

‘Night Moves’ is a beautifully melancholic and soothing song wrapped in the tender songwriting of Tommy Cullen. This wonderful gem floats upon soft guitar strums and wispy soundscapes, creating a calming, gentle number while Cullen injects a sense of longing through the poignant lyrics. His warm vocals croon, “Breathe deep, draw slow,The city’s putting on a show, No name, two friends, waiting for the world to end,” allowing the bittersweet melody drift through the airy and almost haunting soundscapes. Cullen’s ability to express a range of emotion through minimalist arrangements is mesmerising. He conveys the pain, and numbness of loneliness through warm and calming instrumentation along with innocent twinkles on piano and lush harmonies. ‘Night Moves’ is a remarkable and moving tune from Tommy Cullen. .

Stream ‘Night Moves’ below 

Author : Danu